Compiler and Checker Demonstration

This page gives a demonstration about how the compiler and the checker works, using the example trust schema. Please refer to Implementation Details for implementation details.

LVS schema input and parsing

We assume the following LVS schema:

#KEY: "KEY"/_/_/_
#site: "lvs-test"
#article: #site/"article"/author/post/_version & {_version: $eq_type("v=0")} <= #author
#author: #site/"author"/author/"KEY"/_/admin/_ <= #admin
#admin: #site/"admin"/admin/#KEY <= #root
#root: #site/#KEY

We ignore the parsing details since this is handled by Lark.

Sorting rules

The original schema has the following dependencies among the rules:

(1) #KEY: "KEY"/_/_/_
(2) #site: "lvs-test"
(3) #article: #site/"article"/author/post/_version & {_version: $eq_type("v=0")} <= #author
  --> (2) (4)
(4) #author: #site/"author"/author/"KEY"/_/admin/_ <= #admin
  --> (2) (5)
(5) #admin: #site/"admin"/admin/#KEY <= #root
  --> (1) (2) (6)
(6) #root: #site/#KEY
  --> (1) (2)

Topological sorting gives us:

(3) #article: #site/"article"/author/post/_version & {_version: $eq_type("v=0")} <= #author
  --> (2) (4)
(4) #author: #site/"author"/author/"KEY"/_/admin/_ <= #admin
  --> (2) (5)
(5) #admin: #site/"admin"/admin/#KEY <= #root
  --> (1) (2) (6)
(6) #root: #site/#KEY
  --> (1) (2)
(1) #KEY: "KEY"/_/_/_
(2) #site: "lvs-test"

Generating pattern ID

#site/”article”/1/2/-1 & {-1: $eq_type(“v=0”)} <= #author #author: #site/”author”/1/”KEY”/-2/3/-3 <= #admin #admin: #site/”admin”/3/#KEY <= #root #root: #site/#KEY #KEY: “KEY”/-4/-5/-6 #site: “lvs-test”

Replicating rules

In this schema, we don’t have have multiple constraint sets like /a/b & {a: "a"} | {b: "b"}. Therefore, no rule replication is needed.

Generating tree


Each node is a name prefix, and edge becoming the condition to

Fixing signing constraints


After constructing the tree, the compilier fill in the symbol table for non-temporary symbols:

1: author
2: post
3: admin

and model the name pattern tree into a TLV encodable model.


In order to check a name /lvs-test/article/alice/post1/v=2 can be signed by name /lvs-test/author/alice/KEY/%BDA%D6%DE%EA%09%3C%E0/admin/v=1647807153833, Checker first matches /lvs-test/article/alice/post1/v=2 against the name pattern tree, which gives the uppermost branch of the pattern tree.

Along the matching, checker fills the symbols with author = "alice" and post = "post1". The end of this branch indicates the node identifier (e.g., x) for this branch.

Then the checker matches the /lvs-test/author/alice/KEY/... against the name pattern tree, which gives the second branch from the top. When matching along this branch, checker uses “alice” for 1’s value. The end of this branch has the same node identifier x, thereby the checking succeeds.